Why Choose Nurture?

We offer a unique type of care shaped by many years of training, research and experience, with an ethos reflecting our interests in nature, respectful, mindful caregiving, emotional health and wellbeing, and psychoanalytic theory.

Secure relationships

In the first three years of life a child has an intense need for close relationships with their caregivers. These close relationships provide a sense of security in world which expands in size and possibility every day. The most important relationship in your baby’s life is you – you are their ‘safe base’, and when they’re away from you they need sensitive care and a secure attachment relationship so that they can continue to feel safe until you return.

We offer a small, home-based environment so that the number of children in a group is small, with one key caregiver to ensure that your child feels safe and secure.

“The basic premise of attachment theory is that toddlers can grow in to happy and confident children if they can rely on at least one adult who makes them feel safe and protected. From this basic feeling of security in relationships grow the impetus to explore how things work in the world and to try out new skills.” Alicia F. Lieberman

Sensitive observation

Even the youngest baby can communicate what they need and how they feel about something if we slow down and carefully observe them. We believe that babies need to be cared for by adults who think deeply about how they experience the world, and it is through observation that we come to know each child; we understand who they are and how we can best care for them and support their development.

“It’s the key to understanding and appreciating our children, their intentions, learning styles, distinct personalities, needs and desires before they have the language skills to explain those things. So watch and enjoy, because when children feel understood they feel our love.” Janet Lansbury

We all need someone who understands.

-Magda Gerber

Respectful interactions

We are hugely influenced by Magda Gerber’s Educaring® Approach which promotes respectful caregiving, and see babies as competent human beings, worthy of our respect in all that we do with them. Our interactions are slow and calm, giving the baby time to process what is going on and to participate in everything that happens to them. We allow babies to make choices, we listen to them with patience and empathy and acknowledge their feelings and perspective, and we set calm, clear limits so that they know what is expected of them.

When you approach your baby with an attitude of respect, you let him know what you intend to do and give him a chance to respond. You assume he is competent and involve him in his care and let him, as much as possible, solve his own problems. You give him plenty of physical freedom and you don’t push development.

-Magda Gerber

Uninterrupted caregiving

We give each baby our full, undivided attention during care activities. In doing so we communicate to the baby that we are interested in who they are and that they matter - ensuring that each baby feels seen. This also allows This focused attention refuels the baby emotionally so that after a feed or a nappy change they can resume playing and exploring with confidence.

Developmental readiness

We believe that children will take next steps in their development when they are ready. With a challenging environment to explore and a secure base close by, babies will learn what they need to, when they need to, and in a way that makes sense to them. We celebrate what a child can do right now, rather than always looking to the future, because each stage is important in its own right. Focus too much on the next thing, and you miss the beauty that is right in front of you.

We also believe that faster isn’t better – rather knowledge and skills should be given lots of time and opportunity to be practised over and over again, so that they become deeply embedded – and that children should be given time and opportunity to work things out for themselves.

I think Jean Piaget said it beautifully: when you teach a child something, you take away forever his chance of discovering it for himself.

-Magda Gerber